Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mind’s Monologue

My mind is in a great commotion,
Tossed in a storm of emotion
Disillusioned; what’s in my future lies,
Alienation, detachment spread before my eyes

Sympathetic? Want to know who am I?
This is my predicament, Indian Muslim am I
‘Indian’ and ‘Muslim’ both are part of my identity
Not ready to lose either, no matter come what calamity

This is my native land yet myself a stranger
Alas! My own people have put me in this danger
Orphanatic sense in my mind raises some question
My mind’s monologue gives me unbearable tension

Smell of my blood and sweat in this earth are mixed
My experiences, thoughts and feelings in its heart are fixed
My sacrifices remain unnoticed, my cries unheard
My patriotism being questioned, identity blurred

Hopelessness, Darkness surrounds me everywhere
Genocide, massacres, O Lord! Am I safe anywhere?
Everywhere its same concrete jungle with civilized beast
From white foxes in West to Saffron vultures in East.

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