Thursday, July 30, 2009

In the twilight of memory….
Tired from the fatigue of this Orwellian world…. carrying the burden of my thread bare existence…I was running…running away from the selfishness of the masked civilized beasts, who were hovering around me as vultures, ready to relish my flesh and bones…I was tired…completely exhausted….then at one of the labyrinth of life…I met somebody…a stranger…..yet he seemed acquainted…amidst faceless numberless crowd he stood out with his own identity...his presence was like a cool shade under the scorching sun…or like the first few drops of much awaited rain on the thirsty and cracking ground…he came like a breath of fresh air when I was gasping for air …his smile was enough for healing thousand wounds…the epitome of goodness…after meeting him I forgot everything …even the scars of time….he was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me…..he gave me a rose tinted glasses through which the same world appeared differently…more lovely…more beautiful…but I was weak…unable to articulate my feelings…I wanted to tell him that I needed him…loved him but unable to express….he was lost..…but in those few moments I lived my life….I have treasured enough memories…still down memory lane I walk with him…holding his hand…he often comes back in the twilight of memory to teach me to build another tower in the sky…..thank you stranger for everything you did…


Unknown said...

I really felt myself speaking what you have actually said in your confessions.Wonderful!

Simply Haris said...

Thanks Ameen...